Dental examinations
Regular dental examinations aim to prevent diseases of the teeth and gums,
and are therefore an important prerequisite for the long‑term health of your mouth.
They ensure problems are caught at an early stage before they get worse and while their treatment can be easier and less costly.
During dental check‑ups we thoroughly examine:
damaged, missing or decayed teeth
early signs of decay
condition of the gums, periodontal pockets, inflammation and other symptoms of disease
the status of previous dental work (e.g. root canals, fillings and crowns)
early symptoms of cancer of the mouth or throat (i.e. white lesions or blocked salivary gland function)
suspicious growths or cysts
the position of your teeth (e.g. cleft, bite)
signs of clenching of teeth or overload and thus erosion
signs of bleeding or inflammation of the tongue, palate or floor of mouth
overall health and function of your jaw joint and symptoms of possible diseases
the overall condition of the jaw and facial bones
neck glands and lymph nodes for possible signs of inflammation
If necessary, a preventive dental check‑up also includes a dental X‑ray which can detect such conditions as decay beneath existing fillings,
fractures, impacted wisdom teeth, cavities below the gum or bone loss due to gum disease.
Finally, we will present you with the results of the inspection and, if necessary, we will arrange further steps to start treatment.
Preventive dental check‑ups are recommended twice a year.
Make sure that you don’t leave out any important information about your health. The more we know about your overall health, it may lead to more efficient solutions to your oral health care needs. Be sure to mention: